The SANE are a dying species


Brandon: >:)


Brandon: Remember in the last chapter when-

YES. I DO. This time don’t rage crash on me when I REDELETE that lifetime wish.


Brandon: Go ahead and try.

WHAT IS THIS. Are you trying to stare down me? That ain’t gonna work boy, I’ve got mean staring skills.


Me and my imaginary friends are going to beat your ass.


Bibi: Master has an imaginary friend as well! One better than all your friends!

-_- Bibi you can’t participate in this. This is between me and your lousy master.




Did not, and fudge I just lost another one, screw you, but I did not lose the stare down.

Brandon: Yeah you stopped staring.

But you see…I pressed pause.



Brandon: You’re such a cheat!

I has the Watcher power! MHAHAHAHAHA! You can’t even hope to win against me.


Brandon: This is boring. I’m going to bed.

I WIN. I accept your forfeit. I’ll delete that life time wish now.


Bree: T.v. …zzzz….we have enough cash….

I want that cowplant first.

And Barney, you do know that’s Brittney’s bed right?


Barney: Britt asked me to check for monsters.

*facepalm* You guys are still on that!


Barney: OMG SOMETHING MOVED! *runs off*

Geez guys. You need to get rid of these with a vacuum.


I’m sure you heard the results when Barney came screaming out.

Brittney: I sure did!

My god this kid seems to always have mischievous face on.


Look, I’ve given you a close up. It’s not a ‘oh I’m innocently dancing’ face, it’s a ‘I’m very well of what I just did and I am PROUD of it’ face.

I would not be surprised if she rolled the evil trait, or the mean-spirited one.







Bunny: I’m so confused right now.

Britt was sleeping peacefully and Barney asked his dad for a bedtime story. No relation right? But because Bunny accepted and Barney decided he wanted Britt’s bed, she got kicked out!

Brittney: I see. This is revenge.

Though I don’t even know why those two are fighting for that bed. It’s infested.



Boo: Hey Bree, guess what?


Bree: You’ve finally seen the error Watcher?



Boo: I’ve practiced my right hook! Wanna see it?

HOW IS THAT BOO IS SO BIG. When did you have that bday? HOW?

Boo: I decide when I grow up! And that softy Bibi did so I couldn’t be left behind.


Bree: Oh just let it go. What’s done is done.

Unless I delete Boo…


What happened here?

Bunny: Britt peed!

Brittney: DID NOT.

Britt, I think the pic behind you is permanently scarred by you.



It’s when the sims use a pranked object and don’t get pranked that I know who did it.

Brandon: Why can’t you focus on the fact that I just cleaned the dishes instead?


GUYS LOOK IVE MANAGED TO IMPROVE MY FRONT YARD. And it’s a complete coincidence that the mailwoman was there when I bought this gorgeous thing.

Mailwoman: …*gulp*


Ahhh it’s so wonderful! I’m so happy! I keep seeing cowplants in other people’s games and I finally have one!

And now next thing I know nothing’s going to happen to it, but whatever!


Mailwoman: *runs for her life*

StalkerHorse: OH dang, what’s that? I don’t quite feel like going over there anymore…

OOhhh I need to name my cowplant! Bob? Steve? Carl? Nah. I’ll come up with something.


Maybe you could paint the cow plant next. Wouldn’t that be fun?


Paperboy: Oh god oh god, just set it down gently and walk away oh god

Oliver? Ratjack? Pitt? Mozza? I dunno, I dunno.


Help me name it Amestia!

Amestia: Ooh what’s this?

I swear its ears just perked up.


Amestia: Hey look what I have!

…Did you…where…Why do you have…what is that a swordfish??


That is not freaky at all.

Amestia: Oops you can’t have it haha!


Amestia dear, if you don’t give it that fish you might become the fish…

Amestia: Nah me and Coco are best buds now!

Coco? Coco. Coco it is.


Coco: *swallows fish whole*

…Wow…look at all the guts spewing.

Horse: Hey guy- nevermind bye guys.


Amestia: You’re such a cute cowplant, oh yes you are!

Brandon: I’m regretting leaving the house now.


Bree: Hey brrrooottthhhheerrr, I’ll give you two guesses on what’s happening tomorrow.

Brandon: You’re finally going to stop being such an attention hogger and let me be the favorite for once?

Bree: Wrong guess again.

Brandon: I’m bored of talking to you so I’m feeding you to the thing that appeared on the front yard?

Bree: NO DOOFUS. It’s my birthday. DUH. You finally won’t be the tallest.

Look, look guys! Second autonomous sibling interaction!


This is a chapter of miracles. Britt is the very first one to play with the block turtle. THE FIRST ONE.

Brittney: I will create a masterpiece. Just you watch. Closely.


Barney: I have decided to take my kingly duties to another level.

SERIOUSLY. First kid to try out the dressing box. I love this chapter ❤


*is so freaking happy* This chapter is amazing!

What about you Barney? You gonna start doing your homework?

Barney: No, I dropped mine on the front yard and I’ve been too scared to go get it.


O.O Bree…

Bree: Look at the lollipop, you want the lollipop don’t ya?



Bree: You have no faith in my dodging abilities.


Bree: There you go, before the voice gets a heart attack.

I swear, every time it swooped down it looked like it was going to chomp her.


YES. After blowing up three times, yes three times, and an almost fail we have our second potion. The horror liquid!


Here gnome. Your workload just doubled.

OH hey, Bree is doing her homework again. It’s like she knows her birthday is coming and she wants to get on my good side.


Waahhh Barney is being adorable!

Prancing around the house and all.


Thank you for being better than your big bro.

Barney: Anytime! 😀


OMG GUYS. This is the best bug ever made. Bree can ask Boo for bedtime stories. This is…I’m so…

This chapter loves me. *tears up*



Everybody pull out the streamers and them balloons!


BOOM. She grew up.


Amestia: Holy moly! She has my hair!

You’ve just now…alrighty then.


Bree: *has sudden growth spurt* You were saying brother?

Brandon: I was saying yay you grew up! Now let’s eat cake!


She’s all grown up! Like Brandon she’s got frowny eyes, but she’s still pretty 😀

Added trait: Likes the heat

Arg, she’s the one sim to not have the insane trait yet >.>


Bree: Gaze upon the next heir brother >:)

Brandon: …Get out of the way so I can eat cake.

And Bree, go pee before you start bragging!


Brittney: CAKE



I’m gonna stop here, because I’m pretty sure Brittney just destroyed my lucky streak.

Self-wetting: 10 x -5 = -50

Failing school : 1 x -5 = -5

NPC visit: 1 x -5 = -5

Passing Out: 55 x -5 = -245

Accidental Deaths: 0 x -10 = 0

Social Worker Visit: 0 x -15 = 0

Birth: 2 x +5 = +10

Twin Birth: 1 x +10 = +10

Triplet Birth: 0 x +15 = 0

Quad Birth: 0 x +20 = 0

Fulfilling LTW: 0 x +40 = 0

Honour roll: 0 x +5 = 0

Randomizing every LTW choice and trait (apart from the obligational insane trait) for a whole generation of children: 0 x +10 = 0

Portrait of the torch holders somewhere in the house: 1 x +5 = +5

Having a spouse reach the top of their career: 0 x +10 = 0

Every 100,000$: 0 x +20 = 0

TOTAL: -280

Comments on: "1.12 – FRONT YARD IMPROVEMENT: Coco" (5)

  1. It’s kind of scary how many times the kids find monsters when they check – and they seem to check often, especially the ones with the Brave trait.

    …omg, that final picture of Britt is going to give me nightmares, thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t know which child I want to be heir to be honest. Bree is such a clone of her Mom but I love that hair. Brandon does creep me out a bit so I almost think I like Barney and Brittney the best even though they have random hair and eyes. Such a tough call. Do you think you’ll do a poll or do you have someone in mind?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I will do a poll no doubt there.
      I clearly have favorites, but I like not choosing because in the event that creepy Brandon gets chosen it’ll just make the whole thing interesting. For me and probably for you guys too XD
      So yeah poll. I dun wanna choose >.>

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Bree is so pretty all grown up! I really like her look. Brandon is so crazy, I don’t know, we’ll see who actually becomes heir. I know I could look ahead, but I’m trying to be good and read in order.


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